WiFi Access Details

WiFi Access Details

WiFi Access Details WiFi connectivity is now available free of charge to residents. It may be accessed around the folowing locations: Wifi at Front Door, covering the immediate halls and onto the front lawn: New Name: BP Front Wifi at Heat Pump, covering the main...
The Summer Gardens

The Summer Gardens

The Summer Gardens Brockhampton Park is a mellow place to be in summer. The green of the extensive lawns, the shade of mature trees and the flowering of gardens and borders are in harmony with the honey-coloured stone of the house and the texture of its terrace walls....
The Season of Plenty

The Season of Plenty

The Season of Plenty September in the Cotswolds. The hedgerows are filled with ripening blackberries, shiny red rose hips and browning hazel nuts. The golden wheat and barley fields are being harvested and the ground tilled for a planting of winter wheat. It is a time...

Construction & Restoration

Construction & Restoration The trenched areas after backfilling If, like me, you have not been able to visit Brockhampton Park due to the present travel restrictions, you may be wondering what was the fate of the garden areas affected by the installation of the...

‘Mishap’ at Klippan

‘Mishap’ at Klippan The Second Boer War, now most often referenced as the South African War, was the second of two wars between Britain and the republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State (to use the nomenclature of the time). The Boers were...