A Change of Agents
CMG Leasehold Management, Ltd., have been our agents for a number of years, but time moves on and companies must evolve in directions of their choice. So it was that CMG advised us a couple of months ago of their resignation as our agents; their decision is based on a policy shift to move their business toward work for larger clients and to divest smaller ones. Since then the board has conducted interviews with several companies and has settled on a firm of Chartered Surveyors, ASH & Co CS LLP, to assist us.
ASH have offices in Gloucester and Cheltenham and “aim to provide a professional and personalised management service to our clients, which is responsive, pro-active, comprehensive and forward thinking. We believe that our primary function as managers is to ensure that the maintenance of your property and its services is undertaken in such a manner as to enhance the value of your interest and is undertaken in the most cost efficient manner as possible.” We certainly hope so.
CMG, ASH and the board have been conferring over the past period to make the handover of our affairs as smooth as possible. The official date for handover is 16th May. CMG will still be playing a role in our accounts up to the end of our financial year to help ease the transfer.

ASH was established in 1989 and is regulated by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. The company acquired the Cheltenham based practices of Horsleys and SPA in 2013 and 2017, respectively. The point person for Brockhampton Park’s affairs is Richard Smith BA MIRPM, a partner in the firm. Richard joined the Company in March 2014 following previous employment at Hamptons International and Countrywide Estates. He has over 15 years residential property management experience. The change of agents should be seamless as far as residents and tenants are concerned, but if you encounter any difficulties, in the first instance please speak to a Board member, or, thereafter, contact Richard (01242 237274. rs@ashproperty.co.uk) at ASH.
Left: Richard Smith