

Deadwooding An autumn forestry chore, deadwooding is precisely what its name implies: removing dead, rotten or wind damaged boughs and branches that might otherwise blow down or fall causing injuries or damage to people or property below. It is many years since the...
On the Cusp of Winter

On the Cusp of Winter

On the Cusp of Winter It has been a wonderfully colourful autumn at and around Brockhampton. Without the disturbance of high winds, the leaves have steadily changed from their customary summer green to yellows, golds, bronzes, russets, rusts and tans, depending on the...
The Summer Gardens

The Summer Gardens

The Summer Gardens Brockhampton Park is a mellow place to be in summer. The green of the extensive lawns, the shade of mature trees and the flowering of gardens and borders are in harmony with the honey-coloured stone of the house and the texture of its terrace walls....
The Season of Plenty

The Season of Plenty

The Season of Plenty September in the Cotswolds. The hedgerows are filled with ripening blackberries, shiny red rose hips and browning hazel nuts. The golden wheat and barley fields are being harvested and the ground tilled for a planting of winter wheat. It is a time...

Construction & Restoration

Construction & Restoration The trenched areas after backfilling If, like me, you have not been able to visit Brockhampton Park due to the present travel restrictions, you may be wondering what was the fate of the garden areas affected by the installation of the...
What’s Missing?

What’s Missing?

What’s Missing? You would be excused for clicking past this uninteresting photograph, but it is true that many tasks involved in maintaining and improving the Brockhampton Park house and grounds are not particularly photogenic or, perhaps, worthy of note, but...