Resources for Residents

Resources for Residents

Resources for Residents Whether you are a full-time resident of BP or not, the house and grounds are an excellent place for peaceful relaxation and contemplation or, at the other end of the spectrum, for quiet concentration on a necessary or voluntary task. Often,...
WiFi Access Details

WiFi Access Details

WiFi Access Details WiFi connectivity is now available free of charge to residents. It may be accessed around the folowing locations: Wifi at Front Door, covering the immediate halls and onto the front lawn: New Name: BP Front Wifi at Heat Pump, covering the main...

Cellar Storage Areas

Cellar Storage Areas Diagrammatic layouts (not to scale) of the allocated storage spaces in the cellars of the house. To the left is the main cellar area accessed by a door across the corridor from flat 4. Be aware the steps down begin immediately inside the door; a...

Parking Space Allocation

Parking Space Allocation Concerns have been expressed by several residents over car parking at BP, so in an attempt to clarify the situation for all, we have provided an overview below. To assist we have provided the current (and ongoing) car parking allocations. Car...