Musical High Point

Musical High Point

Musical High Point A big ‘thank you’ to Jerry Dunne (21) for generously providing an opportunity for those in residence to experience a virtuoso performance by two, Italian violinists of international stature – Fabrizio Falasca and Raffaele Pagano. The performance in...
Getting Along With Geese!

Getting Along With Geese!

Getting Along With Geese! As many of you know, Brockhampton has become a haven for Canada geese every Spring and Summer. Unfortunately, these guests have really made themselves at home and tend to create so much mess that the bottom lawn becomes unusable, just when we...

Heat Pump System

Heat Pump System Background Prior to the heat pump installation, the heating system comprised a central boiler plant with three 110kW oil-fired boilers and hot water distribution system to each flat to supply radiators and indirect coils within hot water cylinders....
Bridge Restoration

Bridge Restoration

Bridge Restoration   Fig 1: Kip’s engraving (c. 1710) depicting Brockhampton Park estate from the west. A reader view may be obtainable by clicking on the left end of the browser search bar. While the history of Brockhampton Park house is well recorded in various...