House Rules & Guidelines for Living
Brockhampton Park is home to multiple homeowners referred to as Members of the House. To encourage a desirable environment of harmony, tolerance and mutual consideration, Members of the House agree to honour the House Rules (Lease) and additional self-governance House Guidelines.
The Rules of the House are covenants and restrictions captured within the Lease that each Member agreed to uphold on signing their respective Leases. The Directors are required to enforce the Lease and take action to remedy any non-adherence. For detailed advice refer to the Lease or contact the Agents, CMG Leasehold Management (Ian or Louise Sainsbury – 01242 331289).
The main points of the House Rules are summarised as follows:
Structural alterations to flats
Members are not allowed to make any structural alterations or additions to the building or to remove BPMC fittings without prior consent from the Board of Directors.
Use of flats
A flat is to be used as a private dwelling for one family, and not for any other purpose. Letting is allowedand members must ensure the Rules & Guidelines are made known to incomingtenants. Noise that might cause nuisance to a neighbour should be kept to a minimum, especially between 11pm and 8am. No signs, radio/TV aerials or similar are to be visible outside the flat. Members/Lessees may not obstruct common parts of the building, communal areas or parking spaces in the car park.
Members, through the Management Company, are responsible for the repair, maintenance and decoration of the building, including the roof, chimneys, structure, etc., plus the grounds. Members should not instigate anything to be done that would affect the building and grounds or render void any House policies or insurances. Members are responsible for the inside of their own flat.
Communal areas inside the house
Fire doors must be shut at all times as stipulated by Health and Safety rules. Residents must contribute to the safety and security of the House by ensuring all entrance doors are kept closed and locked.
Vehicle parking
Members should park vehicles only in their two allotted parking spaces, except for the specific temporary purpose of loading or unloading. There are two Visitors’ parking spaces.
Disposal of waste and/or refuse and/or unwanted items
Waste material must be disposed of in the bins provided in the refuse area and sorted according to Council Regulations. Large items must not be placed in the refuse area; they must be taken to a proper Council disposal facility. No waste materials (wipes, cloths, nappies, chemicals, paint, cleaners etc) should be disposed of down sinks, baths or toilets such as may block the drainage system or affect the workings of the sewage disposal system (a full list of such materials is circulated periodically).
Pets and animals
No pets that may constitute a nuisance to other Members of the House are allowed.
Guidelines of the House are defined and revised from time to time with the purpose of achieving an environment of community, harmony and mutual consideration for the full enjoyment of the Members of the House. The Board of Directors define the Guidelines which are agreed by Members of the House at formal meetings such as the Annual General Meeting.
General and specific
2.1 Members may not instruct, delay or interfere with the work of any contractor employed by the House. Any complaints and suggestions must be made, in the first instance, to the Agents.
2.2 Members must respect other residents by not causing annoyance, embarrassment or offence. The soundproofing between flats is limited and all need to respect the privacy of their neighbours. Refrain from the use of private surveillance cameras or drones overlooking communal areas inside and out, as required by privacy laws.
2.3 Inform adjacent Members when any structural alterations, works or additions are to take place, and of progress as work proceeds. Keep communal areas, including outside the house, clean and clear of packaging and/or building material. Temporary skips should be located in a flat’s parking space, or placed by agreement with the Board of Directors, and removed in a timely fashion.
2.4 Communal use of the Inner Hall is strictly limited for quiet activities only: this is to limit disturbance to the Members of the two adjacent flats.
2.5 Use of other communal areas: Members should liaise with the Board if wishing any social function of over 10 people in the grounds to ensure that proper consideration is given to safety, toilet facilities, etc. Members should ensure that their private guests conduct themselves with the required respect and consideration expected of Members of the House.
2.6 Members have the use of allocated storage space in the lower cellars. This should be clean and tidy at all times and not have items overflowing to adjacent areas.
2.7 The economics of running the heating plant do not permit constant heating. It is recommended that flats are provided with supplementary means of heating to bridge heating schedules in cold weather.
2.8 Chimneys and fireplaces in use must comply with health and safety requirements and must be maintained, i.e., every second year to be swept, depending on usageand regular inspections to verify the integrity of the walls.
2.9 To avoid problematic water leaks in the House, regular checks of plumbing are advised. If the occupier is to be absent for more than a few days, it is requiredthat the water is turned off at the main inlet to the flat. Members are responsible for damage to other flats consequent upon a leak.
2.10 Members should park vehicles only in their allotted parking space. For the specific purpose of loading or unloading vehicles can be temporarily parked directly outside the front door, not outside the flats either side. Private arrangements to use other residents’ spaces are permitted. Trucks, caravans, motorhomes, horseboxes and trailers are discouraged in the parking area, except as a temporary expedient.
2.11 To reduce pollution and noise intrusion, turn off engines while parked at the front door for purposes of loading or unloading.
2.12 Parking around the north access, past flat 8, and the rear courtyard is for loading and unloading only. It is only permitted for a short duration as these areas are for fire access.
2.13 The lake is an important feature of our landscape, but it also presents significant liability issues. A boat is provided solely for the use of the gardeners for access to the banks, overhanging trees and the island. Boating by residents compounds insurance issues and is not permitted.
2.14 Members may use the clothes drying area in the kitchen garden to hang out personal washing. Once dried, washing should be removed, to free up hanging space for others, and not left out for more than one day. The rotary lines should be folded up and covered (if applicable) once clothes are removed.
2.15 Members may use the vegetable plot in the kitchen garden for the planting of edibles. The fruit of the trees is for the use of the Members.
2.16 Members may not keep any animals, bees or chickens or any other that is dependent on the grounds of the House for housing or sustenance.
2.17 Members may not allow any pet to become uncontrolled and cause harm, threat or annoyance to other Members of the House. Animals that annoy Members through their undisciplined behaviour should be kept on a leash.
2.18 The placing of any new garden furniture, flower tubs or pots, etc., requires prior Board approval so that the appearance of the House can be maintained.
Structural alterations to flats
Any proposed alterations must comply with and be approved by the local government conservation department to protect the listed status of the building. Where alterations are to include any works to mains electrical installations and/or gas appliances, the Board of Directors must be provided with copies of the relevant certification from approved contractors i.e. Gas Safe, NICEIC, NAPIT, ELECSA, etc.
Subletting & selling
When subletting or selling, Members are responsible for ensuring that the Estate Agents are:
- Aware of the existing Rules and Guidelines of the House
- Accompanying visitors at all times during their viewing of a flat
- Not allowing visitors to wander around the building and/or grounds unattended
- Ensuring that details such as allocated parking and storage space are shared with the visitors
The Guidelines are reviewed and revised from time to time to ensure sufficient are in place to create a harmonious environment for the enjoyment of all Members of the House.
Brockhampton Park Management Committee
Revised: November, 2019
Approved: EGM, November 2019