This Guide is compiled using the Cotswold Council guidelines at the following link:
The various bins and the relevant do’s and dont’s are detailed below this summary section:
- The BLUE bags hanging along the fence (left side) are for cardboard
- The WHITE bags hanging on the righthand side are for plastics
- The GREEN bins with multiple storage: top (under lid) for TINS and FOIL and the marked containers below for glass jars, bottles and paper respectively
- The large BLACK bins are for general household rubbish
- The large GREEN bin next to the oil tank is for garden waste
- The small lidded BLACK containers on the ground below the white bag is for food waste

Blue Bags
Use the blue bags to recycle all types of cardboard. All cardboard should fit in the blue bag, please make sure it is not overflowing. You can recycle brown, white and corrugated card, and any greetings cards which don’t have ribbon or glitter on them. Be sure to remove any packaging tape from the cardboard before recycling it. Boxes should be broken up so that the parts will fit in the bags. If they are left on the floor, the collectors will not take them.

White Bags
Use the blue bags to recycle all types of cardboard. All cardboard should fit in the blue bag, please make sure it is not overflowing. You can recycle brown, white and corrugated card, and any greetings cards which don’t have ribbon or glitter on them. Be sure to remove any packaging tape from the cardboard before recycling it. Boxes should be broken up so that the parts will fit in the bags. If they are left on the floor, the collectors will not take them.

Green Bins
The green bins have several drawers with specific uses detailed below.
Paper Drawer: You can recycle paper, envelopes, catalogues, newspapers and magazines, and plain wrapping paper (with no foil or glitter). Put any shredded paper inside a paper bag or envelope.
Glass Drawer: For glass bottles and jars. Please do not recycle broken glass, glasses and tumblers, light bulbs or fluorescent tubes or any toughened glass. Standard light bulbs (not flourescent tubes) can go in the general waste bin, everything else should be taken to a recycling centre.

Metal Drawer (directly under the lid): You can recycle tins, cans, empty aerosols and clean foil. Please do not recycle plastic, broken glass, glasses and tumblers, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes or any toughened glass. Standard light bulbs (not flourescent tubes) can go in the general waste bin, everything else should be taken to a recycling centre.

Large Black Bins
The large black bins are for general waste unsuitable for recycling per the following guidelines:
- stones, gravel, rubble
- garden waste, soil
- sharp objects
- hot ashes (let them cool before putting in the bin)
- DIY home improvement waste
- carpet and underlay
- building material and waste
Please inform your contractors or cleaner of these restrictions. The above should be taken to a recycling centre.

Large Green Bin (next to oil tank)
This bin is for the following:
- twigs and small branches up to 5cm (2in) across
- tree stumps up to 10cm (4in) across
- bedding from vegetarian pets, for example, rabbits and guinea pigs
- cut flowers
- plants and weeds
- windfalls from the garden
- vegetable waste from the garden
- real Christmas trees (cut into 2 to 3ft sections and remove decorations)
- cold wood ashGrass cuttings, leaves, bark and tree prunings should preferably go into the composting area. The Composting Guide will follow soon.

Black Mini-Bins (caddies)
Food waste must go into these food waste caddies and NOT into the GREEN garden bin. Council prescribes that the caddy should be lined with a plastic bag, it is better if all can use compostable bags (normally green, some also black with the recycle logo) and deposit this bag into the caddy.
Please put the following in your food waste caddy:
- all uneaten food and plate scrapings
- mouldy or out of date food
- eggs and egg shells
- small amount of liquids, oil and fat (including solid fats such as lard or butter)
- tea bags and coffee grounds
- newspaper or approved compostable liners
- cat and dog food
- animal hair
- used kitchen roll and paper tissues
Please do NOT put the following in the food waste bin:
- plastic (except for carrier bags or large food or sandwich bags which you can use to line the caddy)
- packaging of any kind
- metal and glass
- any other household waste
- animal faeces
- animal bedding
- pet litter
- pet carcasses
- cardboard
- nappies

Metal can drawer with incorrect plastic and foil bags.

White bag with incorrect soft plastic.