The Kitchen Garden

“We, along with the blackbirds, are awaiting the ripening of the Peters’ raspberries.

Real men don’t read instructions — they get their wives to read them to them!
The kitchen garden is located beyond the gate into the refuse and recycling area. As well as providing several “windmills” for hanging out clothes to dry, it provides a garden for residents to grow some fresh produce on a DIY basis, if they wish. The current gardening group has styled themselves as the KGBB – Kitchen Garden Babes and Blokes. They are quoted as saying “our labours are paying off with a harvest of vegetables from beans to broccoli and carrots to cabbages. We [the KGBB], along with the blackbirds, are awaiting the ripening of the Peters’ (flat 8) raspberries!”
There are several mature apple trees in the area and I can personally attest that the apples they grow are perfect for pies.
Recently, a small garden shed was sourced and assembled by Ian and Helen Dudley (flat 19: see illustration above right) on behalf of the Board and residents. This now provides somewhere weatherproof to keep personal and donated garden tools and supplies.
If you wish to be a hands-on gardener yourself, contact one of the residents currently involved to agree a space for you to work on without infringing anyone else’s current territory. I believe we need someone to grow rhubarb!