What’s going on?

Bridge Balustrade: Phase 3 of 6
The third section of the bridge balustrade has just been completed bringing us to the halfway mark of the balustrade reconstruction. This section is actually last year’s contract so a fourth section should also be completed this year leaving only the two sections...

Spring Bulbs at their Peak
Brockhampton’s incredible displays of spring bulbs are at their peak with a truly magnificent display in the south lawn. It is hard to walk there without stepping on some fragile gem. The snowdrops have been out on the south lawn, in the borders and in other nooks and...

A Touch of Spring
Brockhampton’s incredible displays of spring bulbs are approaching peak viewing time. The snowdrops have been out on the south lawn, in the borders and in other nooks and crannies around the grounds for some time, but they are now joined by the purple crocus that need...

Re-wilding and ‘No Mow May’
Re-wilding is the current buzzword in gardening circles. The principle extends a centuries-long shift in perspective from the geometrical rigidity of the great house gardens of the 18thand 19thcenturies to a freeform approach valuing asymmetry. It parallels the...

Going Wild in May
For a number of years following the discovery that both common and bee-orchids will grow there, we have allowed the small, south triangular lawn adjoining the driveway side of the forecourt to grow wild during wildflower flowering season. As well as the usual...
Details, Details…
The official listing for Brockhampton Park in the Listed Buildings Registry (see ‘What is a “Listed” Building?’ in History) goes into a lot of detail about the features of the house, both exterior and interior. One paragraph refers to the rainwater downpipes on the...

A Change of Agents
CMG Leasehold Management, Ltd., have been our agents for a number of years, but time moves on and companies must evolve in directions of their choice. So it was that CMG advised us a couple of months ago of their resignation as our agents; their decision is based on a...

More Trees Planted
In February, storm Eunice brought record 122 mph winds to southern Britain and wreaked havoc throughout the country, tearing off roofs, downing thousands of trees, closing rail routes and causing four deaths. The house at Brockhampton Park was lucky not to sustain...

A Blitz on Ivy
Common ivy (Hedera helix) is a vigorous, self-clinging climber with three- to five-lobed, glossy, evergreen leaves, often with pale green veins, and sometimes some reddish or bronze colours in autumn. Mature plants produce bushy, non-clinging branches with...

Little by Little
A boat has been defined as “a hole in water into which you pour money.” Similarly, anyone who owns a house is very aware of the ongoing expense of its maintenance, the larger and older the house, the greater its upkeep. The Park’s fabric is between 160 and...