What’s Missing?
You would be excused for clicking past this uninteresting photograph, but it is true that many tasks involved in maintaining and improving the Brockhampton Park house and grounds are not particularly photogenic or, perhaps, worthy of note, but they are important, nevertheless. What’s missing from these photographs is a profusion of waist high growths of grass, weeds, nettles and brambles that would be very obvious this time of year, plus the accumulated junk of a decades.
Recently a sustained effort has been made by a couple of volunteer residents together with grounds staff to clear the whole southeast quadrant of the site as part of an ongoing policy of reclaiming the area for residents’ use. It won’t be manicured in the sense of the immediate surroundings of the house, but it will be a pleasant place to sit and read or contemplate the universe among a few wildflowers.

A skip full of accumulated junk.

A bonfire of waste wood awaits ignition.